FOR YOU AND ME [TO THE IN BETWEEN] is about one’s gender identity and gender expression in contrast to societal expectations. Research regarding racial communities, the influence of one’s childhood upbringing, and societal taboos such as the standards of femininity and body hair influenced the making of this piece.
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The mediums used in this sculptural installation are string, newspaper, chicken-wire, plaster casts, acrylic paint, and glitter. The varied types of string were used to make the hair on the figures seem as realistic as possible with the hair being represented with non-local colors and having the thickness and tactile feel of actual body hair. Depending on the area of the body, there were different types of string used to accurately represent the various textures that would be found in the said area.
The biological differences between the sexes male and female, should not determine or label an individual as someone that they believe they are not.
Yes, genetically there are differences between the functions of reproductive systems, and even down to how metabolisms are processed and the different risks each body is genetically susceptible to.
No, gender expression and biological sex are not the same things; gender expression and biological sex are separate, but can overlap.
The significance of this piece is to question what is really feminine or masculine and that it is ok to be in the in-between.